Black Dotted Circle Recolorable Outline

Please fill out the form below if you're notifying us of a stray cat.

Black Dotted Circle Recolorable Outline
Cute Cartoon Cat

We welcome you to notify our rescue of a stray!

The Stray Notification form is used to notify the rescue of a cat that needs to be trapped and looked at by a medical professional. These strays are typically feral and don’t live amongst people.

Our rescue will provide TNR services (trap-neuter-return services) for that cat unless deemed not feral, otherwise the cat will be placed in our rescue under our foster program.

If you have a stray in your possession that you are caring for within your home, please fill out the stray notification form if you wish to have rescue care for the cat.

For rehomes and surrender, please use surrender form.

Paw Prints Illustration
Paw Prints Illustration

Stray Notification FORM


Cat Haven Rescue is currently not accepting new stray notifications.

We are currently 100% donation funded and all cats are in foster based care.

Unfortunately we currently do not have the funding or resources available to take in new strays kitties.

If you are in current need of assistance with a stray cat, we do have a list of rescues serving the greater houston area.

To request this list, please email us at

Cat haven


CHR is a non-profit organization that educates people and cares for cats.

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Cat Haven Rescue, LLC. All Rights Reserved.